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A Hilarious "Hi-Hello" Moment with the Students

At this day I had 2 classes in the morning. The class would be at 9.00 - 10.00 and 11.00 - 12.00. The first class was Frost and the second class was Spencer. Both of the classes were Humanities and Social Sciences.

In every single meeting, I always tried to bring my best performance by doing an ice-breaking activity in the beginning of the lesson. This was what I bring in the meeting, so let's get started!

Me = T

Students = S

T: "Alright, Claaasss??"

S:"Yes siirr!!"

T:" Oh wow you still remember that. Impressive! ahaha. Well, I have something new for you now."

One student asked:" What is that sir"

T:" okay let me show you. It's simple actually, So, when I say "Hiiii" You must answer "Helloo". Besides, I say "Helloo" you answer "Hii". Do you understaand?"

S:"yes sir!"

T:"Okayy, let's try that! Hiii"




T:"Hello hi hellooo!"

S: "Hii Hii Hello Hi Hello Hello Hi" (The students all randomly saying the words and laughing).

T & S:" hahahaha..!!"

Yess, It was really fun and hilarious to have a moment like that together with them.

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