1.1 Teaching methods
Based on the observation, the teaching methods that the teacher use in the classroom are more into Teacher-Centered Approach and lecturing methods, however Question-Answer, discussion, and presentation also applied in the classroom. Students’ participation in every class has become the main focus in order to make sure a good understanding among students. The teacher often asks the students to engage students’ activeness in the classroom, therefore, the students can have the opportunity to give and to speak their ideas confidently and independently.
1.2 Learning materials and innovation
The learning materials are all basically based on the curriculum guide books. Moreover, the teacher also uses other materials such as worksheet and pictures. Otherwise, based on the observation, the process of transfer knowledge was not involved innovative or new ways of teaching. Thus, the learning materials and other media that can be used are not improved significantly by the teacher. Meanwhile, the teacher can deliver the learning materials clearly, so that the students understand about the materials.
1.3 Sources of learning and technology
In this school, sources of learning can be referred to K to 12 and other related books. Technology used in the learning process is like projector, videos, and laptop. On the other hand, technology used for computer and language laboratory is necessary to organize for the improvement.
1.4 Authentic assessment
The foundation of authentic assessment revolves the evaluation of students’ ability to apply what they have learned in the lesson. Authentic assessment is to measure students’ understanding and to measure teacher learning success. based On my observation, authentic assessments in the classroom are performance assessment, questions-answers, self-assessment, worksheet, observing assessment.